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Summer 2025 registration is now open. Browse courses and enroll today!

Personal Enrichment

Explore your passions and interests with a community of learners.
Summer 2025 registration is now open. Browse courses and enroll today!

Pursue your passions

Embark on a journey of personal enrichment by taking a course for enjoyment with Tufts and University College. Whether you're passionate about art, intrigued by philosophy, eager to delve into creative writing, or excited by any of our other great topics, University College and Tufts offers a diverse array of options to satisfy your curiosity and ignite your passions.

Teacher and professional in front a computer

OLLI at Tufts

Join the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Tufts University to meet a community of adults over 50 committed to lifelong learning and community engagement.

Man reading a text book


My photography professor, Joanna Tam, helped me not only learn the technical skills of digital photography, but also she fostered my conceptual development as an artist, challenging and elevating my work.

Photography - Student, 2020

"The classes were great and [the teacher was] receptive, friendly, and provided excellent classes."

— Courses at Tufts Student

Achieve Other Goals