Text and Image I
GRAC 0002
Course Description
This course provides a solid base in exploring image/text relationships in graphic design. Students will be introduced to type classifications along with some modern and postmodern design theories. Practical design assignments guided by class critiques will help you develop your own personal style. Class demos will include Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Gain skills in:
Type classifications
Modern and postmodern design theories
Adobe Creative Cloud
Basic Enrollment Requirements: None.
Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the course length. Please refer to the section details to confirm any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies are viewable here: https://universitycollege.tufts.edu/policies#Refunds
Remission Eligible: Yes; first day of term; all university policies apply.
Any materials necessary for the first class meeting will be communicated to enrolled students by the instructor in advance. Otherwise, materials and supplies will be covered in the first class meeting.Affiliated With:
- School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University