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Course Description

The primary goal of this class is to learn the tools and concepts necessary for economic analysis of a variety of environmental, natural resource, and agricultural issues, particularly with regard to environmental and resource use aspects of food production and consumption. Throughout the semester, we will be addressing a broad range of problems and issues in the context of microeconomic theory and methods. Microeconomics is the social science that deals with balancing our (seemingly unlimited) wants and needs within the limitations of our personal, social, and natural environments. It therefore provides useful frameworks for considering issues such as our use of land; how we invest in protecting the quality of our air, water, and soil; the impact of our food production decisions on other species; how food consumption decisions intersect with environmental concerns; and the effect of climate change on food production. A recurring topic in this class will be on why and when markets fail to ensure the quality of our environment, as well as how collective action, institutions, and market forces can be used to help address these failures. This course is required for AFE students and is recommended for any Friedman student with an interest in economic aspects of the food/environment interface. Pre-requisite: NUTR 0238: Economics for Food and Nutrition Policy or a similar course in microeconomic principles or consent of instructor.

Basic Enrollment Requirements: Unofficial Transcript - Bachelor's + 3.0 GPA. You will be contacted after registration for required evidence of immunization. 

Instructor Approval: During registration, you will be asked to explain how you meet the pre-requisites for this course and to describe any relevant experience. The instructor will use this information to confirm your enrollment or will otherwise be in touch with you. 

Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the course length. Please refer to the section details to confirm any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies are viewable here: 

Remission Eligible: Yes; all university policies apply. 

Affiliated With:

  • Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy