Environment, Communication & Culture
ENV 0150
Course Description
(Cross-listed with ANTH 155) Explore the intersection of environmental issues, communication, and cultures. Examination of where our beliefs about environmental issues come from, how news and entertainment media cover environmental challenges, and why good coverage of critical issues is so rare. Exploration of green marketing and the relationship among politics, environmental issues, and the media, and discuss how media can be used by individuals and advocacy groups to effect social change.
Basic Enrollment Requirements: Unofficial Transcript – Bachelor’s Degree or progress towards a Bachelor’s Degree + 3.0 GPA.
Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the offering type: whether the offering is a course, workshop or short course, or in-demand offering. Please refer to the section details to confirm the type of offering as well as any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies for each offering type are viewable here: https://universitycollege.tufts.edu/policies/refunds#Courses-at-Tufts-(Academic-Year--Summer-Session)
Remission Eligible: Yes; first day of term; all university policies apply.
Affiliated With:
- School of Arts and Sciences