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Course Description

Understanding of the relationship between science and engineering, and techniques and knowledge that support the formative modeling of design ideas and summative testing of prototypes. Topics will include the following: techniques for analysis of design ideas (vibrations and controls), instrumentation, and computer programming.

Please be advised that there is an associated $150.00 laboratory fee that will be assessed during checkout.

Basic Enrollment Requirements: Unofficial Transcript - Bachelor's + 2.75 GPA; Course requires access to students in a professional setting (teacher or otherwise)

Instructor Approval: Requires completion of a very short questionnaire about your teaching experience and access to students.

Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the offering type: whether the offering is a course, workshop or short course, or in-demand offering. Please refer to the section details to confirm the type of offering as well as any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies for each offering type are viewable here:

Remission Eligible: Not eligible.