Database Systems
CS 0115
Course Description
Fundamental concepts of database systems, including conceptual design, relational and object-oriented data models, query languages (SQL, QBE), and implementation issues (indexing, transaction processing, concurrent control). The concepts and algorithms covered encompass many of those used in commercial and experimental database systems. Other topics include distributed databases and distributed query processing. Recommendations: CS 15
Basic Enrollment Requirements:
Academic Year (Fall/Spring): Unofficial Transcript – Bachelor’s Degree or progress towards a Bachelor’s Degree + 3.0 GPA.
Summer Session: None.
Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the course length. Please refer to the section details to confirm any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies are viewable here:
Remission Eligible: Yes; all university policies apply.
Affiliated With:
- School of Engineering