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Course Description

This seminar is designed to explore in a comparative mode various actors in global governance: global organizations, regional organizations, groupings of states, non-governmental organizations, private sector actors, and networks. The first part of the seminar is devoted to theoretical, institutional, and legal issues. Each student then develops and presents to the class an outline for a “Reform Report” on an institution of their choice, taking stock of its performance and offering a vision for the future. Based on feedback from the class, constituted as the ‘senior management group’ of the institution, the report is finalized and submitted as the major assignment for the course.

Basic Enrollment Requirements: Unofficial Transcript - Bachelor's + 3.0 GPA.

Refund Policy: The refund policy for Courses at Tufts offerings is dependent on the offering type: whether the offering is a course, workshop or short course, or in-demand offering. Please refer to the section details to confirm the type of offering as well as any exceptions to the standard refund policy. The refund policies for each offering type are viewable here:

Remission Eligible: Yes; first day of term; all university policies apply.

Affiliated With:

  • Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy