It is the student's responsibility to review and understand all policies applicable to them. Please email us at courses@tufts.edu or precollege@tufts.edu if you have any questions about the policies or their applicability to you. Note that all policies are subject to change without notice.
Last updated January 2024.
Academic Policies
Many academic policies are connected to key dates that serve as deadlines. Note: all timing is as of 11:59PM ET on the date listed below. The complete Academic Calendar may be found here: https://students.tufts.edu/registrar/courses-and-calendars/academic-calendar
For visiting and high school students, these dates supersede the dates on the Tufts academic calendar.
Key dates that are related to UC policies are included in the table below.
All Full Term or Session Courses and Programs |
Fall 2024 |
Spring 2025 |
Summer 1 2025 | Summer 2 2025 |
Registration Opens |
June 1 |
Dec 1 |
Jan 6 | Jan 6 |
Last Day to Add |
Aug 31 *Aug 23 for high school students |
Jan 12 *Jan 5 for high school students |
May 18 * May 11 for high school students |
June 28 * June 21 for high school students |
Last Day to Drop without a "W" |
Oct 8 |
Feb 19 |
June 4 | July 15 |
Last Day to Request Pass/ Fail |
Nov 12 |
Apr 2 |
June 11 | July 22 |
Last Day to Drop with a "W" |
Nov 12 *AS&E Graduate students: end of the term |
Apr 2 *AS&E Graduate students: end of the term |
June 11 *AS&E Graduate students: end of the term |
July 22 *AS&E Graduate students: end of the term |
Credit-bearing Intensives This includes those that are not full-term/-session. The 1-3 week pre-college programs follow this schedule. 'Day of the program' is relative to the official program start date listed on the program page, inclusive of weekends and holidays.
Please note, these dates refer only to the academic record for credit bearing intensives. Refer to the refund policy in the financial policies section for financial implications of withdrawal. |
1 Weeks |
2 Weeks |
3 or more Weeks |
Last Day to Add |
See registration and payment deadlines on program pages
See registration and payment deadlines on program pages
See registration and payment deadlines on program pages
Last Day to Drop without a "W" Last day to Request Pass/ Fail |
4 days after program start |
Final day of first week of program |
Final day of second week of program |
Last Day to Drop with a "W" |
Last day of program |
Last day of program |
Last day of program |
Students participating in credit-bearing University College programs will earn the same college credit as matriculated Tufts University students in the same courses. At the end of the term, an academic transcript will be available for you by request.
Not all courses or programs run by University College are graded or for credit courses or programs. See the individual program page for details on your program and write to us at courses@tufts.edu with any questions.
If you were in a graded course or program, you can review your Tufts University grades by logging-on to Tufts SIS (go.tufts.edu/sis), the university’s web-based student information system. You will need your Tufts User ID and password. For assistance, contact Tufts Student Services, 617-627-2000.
Depending on the date of your Official Withdrawal request, your student transcript will be impacted accordingly. Students must make all decisions about their enrollments in line with the deadlines published on the academic calendar. Please note: withdrawal deadlines are not the same as refund deadlines.
Withdrawal - No Record of Attendance (without a "W"): You can withdraw from your course or courses any time before 11:59 p.m. ET on or before the “Last day to withdraw without a W” (noted on the academic calendar) and the course registration(s) will be deleted entirely from your record.
Withdrawal - Record of Attendance (with a "W"): If you choose to withdraw after 11:59 p.m. ET on or before the “Last day to withdraw with W” (noted on the academic calendar), your student record will be marked with a withdrawal grade of “W.”
No Withdrawal Permitted: No withdrawal from a course or courses in the current term is permitted after the “Last day to withdraw with “W.” Grades from these courses will appear on your transcript.
How to Withdraw: Proper notification of your intention to drop or withdraw from your course(s) or program(s) is necessary in order to be un-enrolled in those course(s) or program(s) and/or to be eligible for a refund on charges or payments made to Tufts University for that registration. A record of an email request to faculty about dropping a course is not considered an official withdrawal request. Students are responsible for understanding the policies and deadlines when they register.
Until the official notification is received, tuition will be charged and students will be responsible for payment.-
Courses at Tufts (including Summer Session, Winter Session Courses, Workshops)
Tufts Students: Log-on to the Tufts Student Information System and DROP each course registration.
Visiting students: Log-on to the Courses at Tufts platform and request a DROP each course registration. Email courses@tufts.edu if you have trouble.
Tufts Pre-College Programs and K-8 Design & Engineering Workshops: All requests for withdrawal must be made in writing to precollege@tufts.edu.
Tufts Campaign School: All requests for withdrawal must be made in writing to courses@tufts.edu.
Some University College courses may be available on an audit (not-for-credit) basis. Auditing students will not receive a final grade for the course or program, but the course or program will still appear on your transcript as “Audit.” Please discuss expectations with your instructor regarding your engagement as an auditing student. Some instructors expect full participation with the course and all assignments to earn the Audit designation on the transcript. Failure to meet instructor expectations for the audit may result in the removal of the audit designation from the transcript without a refund.
If you register to audit a course and later decide that you would like to switch to a graded course structure, you must:
Submit written instructor approval; note that it is at the discretion of the instructor if this change would be permitted;
Request this change prior to the Add Deadline by emailing courses@tufts.edu;
Pay the difference in tuition.
If you are registered for credit and later decide to audit the course, you must:
Request this change prior to the Add Deadline by emailing courses@tufts.edu;
Depending on the date of the request you may not be eligible for a refund of the tuition difference.
A student, who due to unusual circumstance is unable to complete the work of a course by the end of the semester, may request permission from the instructor to take a grade of incomplete. An "incomplete" indicates that the instructor has allowed you more time to complete the requirements for the course. Incompletes may only be awarded if you have done substantial work in the course and the instructor believes there are valid reasons for granting an incomplete. We recommend that instructors do not consider giving an Incomplete unless over 75% of the course work has been completed.
To request an incomplete, first speak with your professor to discuss the details of an incomplete and timelines for submitting the work. The decision to allow a grade of incomplete, with or without a reduction of grade for lateness, is at the discretion of the instructor.
Next, the instructor must submit an Incomplete form. (The Incomplete form may be found on the faculty SIS homepage under "Faculty Forms".) The instructor is responsible for specifying on the form the deadline for submission of work and the conditions that the student must satisfy to receive a grade.
If the work is not completed by the deadline, the professor will calculate the grade to reflect the impact of the missing work on overall course grade and submit the final grade through the Grade Edit feature on SIS. Or, in some circumstances, the professor may decide to let the Incomplete stand as a Permanent Incomplete (but the student will not earn credit for the course).
The work for all courses must be reviewed and graded by the faculty member with whom the course was taken. Please note University College does not guarantee that all instructors will be available outside of the specific term of the course offering.
Fall term deadline for submitted work: 6 weeks into the spring term
Spring: start of the fall term
Summer 1 and 2: start of fall term
Non-attendance, discontinuity of study, abandonment of study, or abandonment of registration are not forms of official withdrawal from a course. If you stop attending class(es), you will not automatically be administratively withdrawn, and no refund will be issued.
Failure to notify the university of your intention to discontinue your enrollment or registration, will result in your continuing to be charged. These charges will be enforced, balances are subject to a late payment surcharge, and/or your balance may be transferred to a collection agency for action.
The responsibility to learn rests squarely on the enrolled student. Consistent and on-time attendance, active interaction with others in the course or program, and steady engagement with the instructor and course or program content is expected. Attendance at all meetings of your course or program is required, unless otherwise noted by your instructor or program director. If enrolled students are not keeping up or not able to maintain active engagement with the instructor and course, they must take action and ask for assistance.
Absences may result in a grade reduction, course failure, and/or dismissal from the program with no refund.
If you are unable to attend due to illness or an emergency, it is your responsibility to contact the course instructor or program director to make arrangements to complete missed work.
A "Hold" is a flag placed on your record indicating an outstanding obligation or an additional level of approval required for any action. Multiple withdrawals related to nonpayment may result in a registration hold prior to payment. Holds must be resolved prior to enrollment. Holds may be issued for:
Previous Administrative Withdrawal: If you are administratively withdrawn from a course/ program two times for any reason a Hold for future registrations may be placed on your account. In order to remove this hold, payment in full in advance may be required.
Delinquent Requirements: Certain documentation is required for participation in UC offerings. A Hold may be placed on your account if records show missing paperwork, such as a transcript or note on past academic probation. In order to remove this hold, the requested pending paperwork/ documentation must be marked as received.
Outstanding Balance: If you have an outstanding payment balance from a previous term but was not withdrawn for any reason (e.g. registration fees for remission students), a Hold for future registrations may be placed on your account. In order to remove this hold, payment in full in advance may be required.
The Tufts course load system is expressed in credit hours. Courses may award anywhere from 1 credit hour to 5 credit hours depending on the contact hours of the class. The number of credit hours awarded will be indicated clearly in the course list.
For Tufts Pre-College Programs, please remember that only some programs and students are eligible for credit. Your eligibility to receive Tufts University academic credit was indicated in your admission letter. Students taking credit-bearing pre-college courses who subsequently matriculate into Tufts are required to include those courses on their transcript. The grade for those courses will be permanently on the student’s academic record.
Please note that not all programs or courses offer credit and not all students choose to enroll in courses for credit (i.e., they may be auditing). Please consult your program or course page if you have any questions or write to courses@tufts.edu.
The official document which verifies your attendance and grade earned at Tufts University is called a transcript. This document is provided by the Office of the University Registrar upon request. More information may be found here.
The extent to which any credit will transfer into another institution or a future degree or certificate program is up to the discretion of that institution or program.
If you later attend Tufts as an undergraduate or graduate, courses or programs that you took for credit may apply to your Tufts degree. Contact your program after admission for approval and processing of any eligible credit.
If you attend a degree program elsewhere, you may be able to transfer any Tufts credit you earned in a course or program. Please note that each university has specific policies concerning which and how many courses may be transferred.
Non-degree (visiting) students are eligible to enroll in up to 8 credits per term.
Tufts (matriculated) students may take up to two courses during each session in the summer.
Students enrolling in virtual courses and programs must have regular access to a computer with a reliable, high-speed internet connection. Students are expected to log into Canvas and check email daily and need regular and reliable access to the internet using a laptop or desktop computer manufactured in the past five years. For hardware and software requirement minimums, please see the computer specifications for Canvas. Individual courses may require students to have additional software. These requirements will be listed on the course syllabus and the Canvas course site.
Students are expected to purchase all of the required reading materials for each course or program. The cost of textbooks is not included in the course/ program feeds.
To order textbooks in advance, check the Tufts University Course Materials Finder or the syllabus for the course and term in which you are enrolling. If no information is available, a syllabus will be posted to the Canvas course page listing required books and readings. It is not expected that every student will have acquired the course textbook by the first day of the term or class. However, you should make the purchase as soon as you begin your course so that you have all the resources you need in order to succeed in the course.
Textbooks can be purchase from the Tufts bookstore in the Mayer Campus Center (46 Professors Row) or through online book retailers.
Only the President or the President’s designee can suspend, in part or totally, regularly scheduled academic or administrative activities at Tufts. The general University policy is not to cancel classes for snow or other emergencies, but rather to hold all class meetings that can reasonably be held. The decision to suspend regularly scheduled academic activities is made as far in advance as possible and announced by the Deans. Students can call 617-627-INFO for news about weather suspensions or check the Tufts web page (http://www.tufts.edu) and look under Announcements. Also, the University endeavors to have announcements made over Boston radio and television stations (WBZ AM 1030, WBZ TV Channel 4). Faculty members can also cancel classes if they cannot make it to campus due to the weather. Please note that some on-campus courses may be offered by web conferencing such as Zoom on days when the campus is closed due to weather or a temporary cancellation issue. Faculty will communicate directly with students about any changes to their class meeting.
Financial Policies
Billing at Tufts University is paperless and Tufts University's primary form of communication is email. Mailed paper invoices are not sent to students or to families.
After registration and confirmation, you will be notified via email that charges have posted to your student account in the Tufts Student Information System site (go.tufts.edu/sis). You will need a Tufts User ID and Password to access this information.
Payment in full (including previous balances) is due upon notification of tuition and fee charges, but no later than the first day of the course session/term or the program payment deadline. Any previous outstanding balances must be paid at that time as well.
Payment made after the first day of the course session or the program payment deadline is considered late, and balances may be subject to a late payment fee and/or other penalties and action (including withdrawal).
The various ways to pay bills are listed below, not all options are available for all programs. See the notes section for details.
Way to Pay |
Accepted Form of Payment |
Notes |
Pay Online via Courses at Tufts |
Visa, MasterCard, Discover |
Pay Online via SLATE |
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, electronic check / transfer |
Pay Online via SIS |
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, electronic check / transfer |
Mail a Check to Tufts |
Check |
Pay in Person |
At the student services window: cash, check, money orders |
Third-Party Payments |
529(k), scholarships, grants, etc. |
It is your responsibility to pay your Tufts University tuition and fees on-time. Tufts University will post your charges to SIS and Tufts eBill, but it is important to understand that if you submit registration in the days just prior to the start of the session/term or the program payment deadline, charges may not post immediately. This does not reduce your obligation to clear your balance by no later than the first day of the course session/term or by the program payment deadline.
Any account balance that remains on or after the first day of the course session with a summer and/or a prior balance may be subject to additional administrative action: Such actions may include, but are not limited to:
Late Payment Fee (1.5% of the balance, compounded monthly)
A registration hold
A withdrawal of registration
Transfer of balance to a collection agency (with all collection and service fees accruing to the student and a report made to the credit bureau)
Students are only eligible for a refund when an official withdrawal request has been submitted. Please see the official withdrawal policy for details about this process.
Student Populations
Course (including Courses at Tufts and Courses at Tufts for High School) and workshop refund policy:
Policy Name, Course Type |
Date of Official Withdrawal^ |
Refund Available |
Course Policy (Includes in-person lectures, online, hybrid, asynchronous courses) |
Prior to the date of 3rd scheduled course meeting; - or - if no meeting pattern exists, then up to and including the 7th day of the term, including holidays and weekends |
100% Refund* |
On or after the date of the 3rd scheduled course meeting - or - if no meeting pattern exists, then after the 7th day of the term, including weekends and holidays |
No Refund |
Workshop and Short Courses Policy
Prior to date of 1st scheduled course meeting |
100% Refund* |
On or after date of the 1st scheduled course meeting |
No Refund |
On-Demand Offerings
No refunds after registration, as course content is immediately available. |
No refunds |
* Excludes non-refundable portions of program fees (e.g., registration fee)
- Any exceptions to this policy will be noted on the course page
^ Dates are up to 11:59PM on the date in Medford/Somerville, MA on which the Official Withdrawal request is received by Tufts University. For Term start dates, please see the Policies page, and check the Courses at Tufts policies for the school of the course in which you are enrolled. Please note that for the purposes of this policy, "course meeting" does not include labs or recitations, and "prior to the date of the nth course meeting" means that the request must be made prior to 11:59 ET the day before the nth Course meeting date.
Pre-College Intensives and Programs: The $550 deposit is not refundable.
Tuition for Pre-College programs may be refundable until the following dates:
Summer | Until May 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET. After this date, no refunds are available. |
Fall | Until September 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET. After this date, no refunds are available. |
Winter | Until December 1 at 11:59 p.m. ET. After this date, no refunds are available. |
Spring | Until January 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET. After this date, no refunds are available. |
K-8 Design and Engineering Workshop: Until June 1 at 11:59 p.m. ET. After this date, no refunds are available. Deposit is not refundable.
On Demand Offerings: No refunds after registration, as course content is immediately available.
Requesting a Refund
If you paid through the Courses at Tufts registration portal, refunds will be automatically credited to your payment method.
If you paid through the Pre-College Application Portal (Slate) or the Tufts Student Information System (SIS), refunds are credited to your student account and a disbursement must be requested. Please visit Tufts Student Services or call 617-627-2000 with questions.
Refund Ineligible
Disciplinary Removal: There are no refunds of tuition or program fees charged or payments made, including any deposits paid, in cases where students are administratively withdrawn for violations of academic or student conduct policies.
Visa Delays: Students assume all responsibility regarding the visa process; it is important to research the amount of time required for each visa type. Any delay or denial that results in the inability to participate in a program is not a recognized reason for a refund.
Program Modification: By registering through a program at Tufts University, you agree that Tufts reserves the right, in its discretion, to modify its educational, extracurricular and other programs at any time, including, providing them remotely. Tuition and mandatory fees will not be refunded in that event.
Non-Participation: There are no refunds of tuition or program fees charged or payments made, including any deposits paid, in cases where a student fails to continue the registration process by not submitting materials or payments, fails to participate in pre-departure activities, or fails to attend the program in part or in whole.
A $550 non-refundable deposit for Pre-College programs must be received within 10 days of admission (inclusive of weekends and holidays) to secure your seat in the program until the payment deadline of May 15th, at which time enrollment is secured only by full tuition payment.
Students enrolling in courses on a for-credit basis will be asked to provide their Social Security number, if available, at the time of application so that appropriate tax forms can be provided.
The IRS requires schools to report either payments received for qualified tuition and fees or amounts billed for qualified tuition and fees during the calendar year on a form 1098-T. That form includes your Social Security number.
Disclosure of your social security number gives student records personnel another point of identification in our student information system. Further, federal law requires that Tufts University provide tax payers with an IRS form 1098-T, which requires use of your social security number.
For more information about this form: click here
2025 Tufts Pre-College Program Tuition Rates
Program |
Length |
Term |
Residential Tuition |
Commuter Tuition | Virtual Tuition |
Adventures in Veterinary Medicine | 2 weeks | Summer | $6,250 | $4,725 | N/A |
Business Essentials | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
Climate Resilience Institute | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
Coding Academy | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
Engineering with Artificial Intelligence | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,950 | $4,425 | N/A |
Engineering Design Lab | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,950 | $4,425 | N/A |
Engineering Investigations | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,950 | $4,425 | N/A |
Engineering of Music | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,950 | $4,425 | N/A |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bootcamp | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
International Relations | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
Lab Science Investigations: Antimicrobial Resistance | 2 weeks | Summer | $6,950 | $5,425 | N/A |
Leadership for Social Change | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | N/A | N/A |
Marketing Essentials | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | N/A |
Mini Med School - Session 1 | 1 weeks | Summer | N/A | $3,625 | N/A |
Mini Med School - Session 2 | 1 week | Summer | $6,950 | $5,425 | N/A |
Mini Med School - Session 3 | 1 week | Summer | $4,650 | $3,625 | N/A |
Mini Dental School | 1 week | Summer | N/A | $3,625 | N/A |
SMFA Studio Art | 3 weeks | Summer | $7,245 | $5,445 | N/A |
Tufts College Accelerator | 2 weeks | Summer | $5,750 | $4,225 | $4,025 |
Tufts College Accelerator - Two Sessions | 4 weeks | Summer | $9,775 | $7,183 | $6,843 |
Tufts College Experience | 6 weeks | Summer | $11,790 | N/A | $8,520 |
Admissions Policies
Tufts University reserves the right to determine admissibility to its courses and programs. For the criteria for entrance for a given course or program, please visit the course or program pages. Tufts University reserves the right to review and determine the admissibility of applicants based on findings during a review of past academic, behavioral, or criminal misconduct. Disclosure of offense(s), and a statement from officials at previous institutions will be required.
Admissibility is based on the quality of credentials submitted by the applicant relative to the specific criteria outlined for the course or program. Tufts University reserves the right to admit as requested, to deny admission, or offer provisional admission. The program will not provide feedback to applicants when admission is denied. Tufts University reserves the right to deny admission to persons who are judged to not have disclosed requested biographical information or educational history with completeness and honesty. Further, admission may be denied to persons who are judged to not have adequate preparation for college-level study at Tufts University.
Admissions decisions apply only the specific course or program into which you were admitted, based on the evaluation of admission credentials submitted to the Tufts University.
In some cases, a transcript, letter of recommendation, evidence of English language proficiency, instructor approval, or other documentation may be requested prior to confirming eligibility for a student to enroll in a particular course or program. Should these types of materials be requested, participation in the course will not be confirmed until they have been provided and approved by Tufts University. Students will receive email correspondence and, where possible, phone calls in such cases.
You are considered “Officially Enrolled” in your program or course when:
Full payment for the program is completed and your tuition balance is cleared ($0)
Any requested materials are received and approved by Tufts University.
In the event that required forms are not returned by the stated program deadline, University College has the right to administratively withdraw a student from a course. In this case, a refund may not be issued.
A preview of the forms required for Pre-College programs https://universitycollege.tuftsedu/node/39525
Many of our Pre-College programs will reach full capacity. When programs begin to fill, admitted students who have not finalized their payment and enrollment will be added to a waitlist. If seats become available, we will notify people on the waitlist.
Before May 15: you can confirm your seat with a nonrefundable deposit. The full tuition payment deadline is May 15.
After May 15 (the payment deadline): seats may only be confirmed with full tuition payment.
Please note that persons under the age of 15 are not eligible for registration, unless otherwise specifically stated. In pre-college residential programs, students must be over 15 and under 19 years of age.
Pre-requisite and prior study/learning recommendations are indicated in course or program descriptions, where possible. Please be aware of these indications when making course or program selections and email us at courses@tufts.edu should you have any questions. Misjudgment of your readiness to study in a course or program at Tufts University will not be considered as an extenuating circumstance if you withdraw after the no refund deadline.
Admission is granted for the specific student, program, and term stated in the admissions letter. For pre-college programs, you may request a deferral to the following term with certain considerations.
Requests to defer admission to a specific course or program may be requested in advance of the May 1 deadline, but any deferred admission is still subject to all admissions processes and policies. Please note:
- Students still need to submit all application materials by the deadlines
- New letters of recommendation and new transcripts will be required
- Tufts reserves the right to change the admissions decision based on the review of the new materials
A deposit will hold the admitted student's place in the program until May 1, at which point full tuition is due. While May 1 is the Pre-College application deadline, programs may (and often do) fill in advance of this date, so we recommend sending all updated admissions materials in as soon as possible; a deferred seat is not guaranteed until all materials are received and tuition is paid in full.
Students indicating that English is not their primary language will be required to submit evidence of English proficiency. Below are the general guidelines for English Language proficiency within University College Programs; individual programs may specify modifications to these requirements in their program pages.
Test or Course | Minimum Score Required for Consideration |
Internet-Based TOEFL *Tufts does not accept TOEFL’s “My Best Scores” |
100 |
6.5 or above |
68+ |
Duolingo English test |
120 |
All-English High School or Middle School |
Unofficial transcript demonstrating 1+ years attended in good standing |
Tufts University reserves the right to cancel a course or program due to low enrollment or other circumstances beyond the university's control. Students will be notified by email (and phone, when possible) when a course or program is canceled. Cancellations will also be posted to the course directory, program pages, and website. Canceled courses and programs are eligible for refunds of tuition and any applicable registration fee if the canceled course was the only course in which a student was enrolled. Please see the Refund Policy for additional details.
Format changes: Please note that the transition of a course from an in-person format to an online virtual campus format does not qualify as a course cancellation. On-campus courses that are transitioned to the online virtual campus will be adapted to offer the same quality, content and outcome as if they had been administered in person.
Timelines of Cancellation Decisions:
Courses at Tufts (including Summer Sessions and Winter Session) makes reasonable efforts to determine course cancellation in advance of the first day of classes, but the final status of a course may not be resolved until the first day of classes.
Tufts Pre-College Programs makes reasonable effort to determine program cancellations by two weeks after the application deadline of the term in which the program will take place.
Tufts Campaign School makes reasonable effort to determine program cancellation by December 20 each year.
Admission to and enrollment in University College (UC) programs is separate from admissions in Tufts University Undergraduate or Graduate Degree or Certificate programs. While applicants may choose to highlight their success in UC programs as a way of demonstrating their general involvement in optional academic programs, participation in UC programs does not result in or guarantee admission to any Tufts University degree or certificate programs. Student conduct reports that occur during UC programs are accessible to Tufts University admissions offices and may be considered as part of subsequent applications or pending admissions to Tufts University degree and certificate programs.
Arts and Sciences
All Arts & Sciences (including SMFA at Tufts) non-matriculated students taking courses offered for credit (including auditors in those courses) must have the following credentials, depending on the course number and term:
Summer and Winter terms: no overall restrictions, see course requirements and class notes
Fall and Spring terms:
Courses numbered 1-99: students must be in the process of completing or have a high school degree with a 3.0 GPA.
Courses numbered 100-199: students must be in the process of completing or have an undergraduate degree with a 3.0 GPA. If the course is open to high school students, the Courses at Tufts for High School application will be accepted in lieu of this requirement.
Courses numbered 200+: students must have completed an undergraduate degree with a 3.0 GPA
Any transcript submitted should be the most recent academic record.
Some courses, including most SMFA at Tufts courses and courses not offered for credit, choose to waive these requirements.
Please note: non-matriculated students may retake a course in which they receive a grade lower than B- or a W only once and with the instructor’s permission. Students who receive more than one final failing (F) grade will not be permitted to re-enroll through open course enrollment.
All Cummings non-matriculated students must have a Bachelor’s degree, a GPA of 3.0, and must provide a writing sample (250 words). Several Cummings courses have pre-requisites. Please see the course description for details.
All TUSDM non-matriculated students must have a Dental Degree.
School of Engineering
Undergraduate: All non-matriculated students taking courses offered for credit (including auditors in those courses) must have a 3.0 GPA and submit their most recent academic transcripts. Several courses have pre-requisites or require instructor permission. Please see the course description for details.
Please note: Non-matriculated students may retake a course in which they receive a grade lower than B- or a W only once and with the instructor’s permission. Students who receive more than one final failing (F) grade will not be permitted to re-enroll through open course enrollment.
Graduate: All SOE non-matriculated students taking courses offered for credit (including auditors in those courses) must have a Bachelor’s degree, a GPA of 3.0. Several SOE courses have pre-requisites. Please see the course description for details.
All Fletcher non-matriculated students taking courses offered for credit (including auditors in those courses) must have a Bachelor’s degree, a GPA of 3.0. Several Fletcher courses have pre-requisites. Please see the course description for details.
Medical School
All TUSM-PH non-matriculated students must have a Bachelor’s degree. Several TUSM-PH courses have course-specific requirements. Please see the course description for details.
All Friedman School non-matriculated students taking courses offered for credit (including auditors in those courses) must have a Bachelor’s degree, a GPA of 3.0. Several Friedman courses have pre-requisites and several require instructor permission. Please see the course description for details. Some courses, including courses not offered for credit, may choose to waive these requirements.
- Please note: non-matriculated students may not repeat courses and may not enroll in more than 4 NUTR courses, 2 NUTB courses, or 1 NUTC course prior to matriculating.
Student Expectations
All participants in University College offerings are expected to follow the Code of Conduct and all standards of the Tufts Community. For details of these standards, please see the Community Standards website: https://students.tufts.edu/community-standards-policies
Tufts University reserves the right to remove students from any course or program for violation of any of the policies of Tufts University. There are no refunds of tuition charged or payments made in cases where students are administratively withdrawn for violations of academic or student conduct policies. Students who are withdrawn for disciplinary reasons are immediately under their own care or the care of their parents (if minors) and will not be permitted to stay in program spaces, including housing, and will no longer be able to access program activities or transportation. Any changes to housing, meals, transportation or other due to a disciplinary withdrawal are the sole responsibility of the student.
Students taking courses which have any in-person on-campus components should obtain a Tufts Student ID card. Note: Students enrolled in a course through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute as well as students attending courses or workshops taking place over less than 5 days do not need a Tufts-issued photo ID. Students taking an online or virtual class through Courses at Tufts will not have physical access to Tufts' campuses and will not be issued Student ID cards. To get your ID, follow the process below:
Submit a photo (two ways)
Option 1: save time and upload a photo in advance through our online portal Picasso. Log-in using your Tufts Student Username and Password. If you forgot your username or password, call 617.627.3376
Option 2: have your photo taken in-person at one of our Print Offices (below). Please note that this will take longer.
Pick-up your Photo ID: Go to the Tufts ID Print Office that is most convenient for you. You will need to have a form of identification (e.g., passport, drivers license) and your Tufts Student ID number to pick-up your photo ID.
Boston Health Sciences Campus: Biomedical Research & Public Health Building (BRPH), Tufts Public Safety Office, 136 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02111
Boston SMFA Campus: Please write to courses@tufts.edu.
Medford / Somerville: Administrative Services, Room 105, 520 Boston Ave, Medford, MA 02155
Grafton Campus: Central Services and Campus Police, 7 Jumbo's Path, North Grafton, MA 01536
Students who are taking for-credit offerings or long-term workshops will be given a Tufts University email address. This is where all official communication will be sent. It is the student’s responsibility to check this email and/ or set up email forwarding to another account. Any communication sent to the Tufts email account will be considered “received.”
Email services are provided to the Tufts community to conduct University business. Use of Tufts email services is subject to and bound by the Information Stewardship Policy and Tufts Email Policy, applicable laws, and the Conduct Code. In addition, all email users are expected to maintain standards of professional and personal courtesy and conduct. Violations of the Email and Tufts University Responsible Use policies will be subject to disciplinary action and violators may have their email account suspended during any investigation. Email abuse may be reported to abuse@tufts.edu. Reports of abuse will be investigated and handled as appropriate. In all cases, do not delete any evidence or message(s) as they can be used as evidence.
Students who are taking some short-term non-credit offerings including courses and workshops may not be given a Tufts University email address. In this case, it is expected that students will use the email associated with their registration for all course and policy communication. This is where all official communication will be sent. It is the student’s responsibility to check this email and/ or set up email forwarding to another account. Any official communication sent to this account will be considered “received.”
Use of Tufts University owned property, which includes, but is not limited to, library materials, athletic facilities and equipment, lab equipment, computers, and dorm, classroom, and dining hall furniture, implies your agreement to use university property responsibly. If you are found to be responsible for Tufts owned property loss or damage, the full cost of repair or replacement may be assessed to you.
Use of personal property, which may include, but is not limited to, books, computers, phones, automobiles, personal electronic devices, etc., is at your own risk. Tufts University does not assume liability for personal property loss or damage. You are advised to take precautions when using personal items on a Tufts University campus. Guard against theft or damage by keeping your property secure at all times.
Tufts Pre-College Programs welcomes international students in all of its programs. However, visa options and requirements will be different depending on your intended program and your current visa situation. Visa delays or denials are not recognized reasons for refunds; it is the student's responsibility to apply for the relevant visa type with enough time for processing and arrival. Tufts cannot guarantee success in the visa process; students take this risk upon themselves.
- Only the Tufts Summer Research Experience and Tufts College Experience programs are F-1 eligible. Through these programs, international students are able to take a credit-bearing course of study. More information may be found here: https://icenter.tufts.edu/immigration/summer-programs/
International students interested in other noncredit Pre-College Programs may have other visa options outside of the F-1. The Tufts International Center can advise you on your individual situation. More information may be found on the I Center website: https://icenter.tufts.edu/immigration/summer-programs/
Health insurance: Students are required to have health insurance in accordance with Regulation 956 CMR 8.00 Section 8.05 under the State Law Chapter 15A, Section 18 and Tufts University policy. Depending on your program, you will be asked to submit proof of insurance prior to program start.
Vaccines: Please see the Vaccination Policies webpage for information around required vaccines. https://healthy.tufts.edu/public-health/vaccination-policies Depending on your program, you will be asked to submit records prior to program start.
FERPA: Tufts and University College are bound by federal guidelines around access to a students educational record. Please review the webpage on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act: https://students.tufts.edu/registrar/forms-and-policies/education-privacy-ferpa
Student Services
Students in University College programs have access to the Tisch Library: https://tischlibrary.tufts.edu/. Certain programs may also grant access to additional libraries; see course information for more details.
Visiting students do not currently have access to career advising at this time.
If you have a documented disability or need for accommodation, such as extra time for exams, note taking assistant, or support navigation campus, please follow the accommodation question process through the STAAR Center https://students.tufts.edu/staar-center/accessibility-services/get-started-accommodations
Request Form: First submit our Accommodation Request Form. This form has a place to upload attachments, such as clinical documentation and/or previous accommodation plans. If you are requesting academic AND non-academic accommodations, please include everything on the same form.
Clinical Documentation: You'll also need to provide clinical documentation to accompany your request. Please have your clinician complete our Health Disability Provider Form. The form may be submitted online, or printed and emailed/faxed to us. We also recommend attaching any previous accommodation plans and/or neuropsychological testing to your request form, if applicable to your situation.
Intake Appointment: Once we have received your request form and supporting clinical documentation, we will reach out about scheduling an intake appointment to discuss your request and any final steps.
Please note: Pre-College Programs are open to all qualified applicants, but we do wish to note that our program does not specialize in serving individuals with disabilities and/or social-emotional challenges. The Pre-College Program is committed to providing reasonable accommodations, strongly believes in inclusive education, and will review all such requests on a case-by-case basis.
Visiting students are welcome to use the tutoring, coaching, and writing support services offered within the STAAR Center. Please note that the schedule and offerings during the summer is limited; tutoring is only offered for a certain number of courses.
Visiting students do not currently have access to academic advising at this time. However, if you have a question about a course, please do email courses@tufts.edu or precollege@tufts.edu and we assist in any way possible.
Visiting students do not currently have access to Tufts Health Services for medical care. In a medical or psychological crisis or emergency, please immediately contact Tufts University Police at 617-627-6911.
University College students do not pay a student activity fee and are therefore not eligible for campus life/ student group activities that are connected to this fee.
Osher Lifelong Learning
For Osher Lifelong Learning Institute policies, please click here.
Non Credit Workshops and Short Courses
For non-credit workshops and short courses, payment in full is required at time of registration.
Refund policies
Workshops and short courses |
Prior to date of first scheduled course meeting |
100% refund |
On or after date of the 1st scheduled course meeting |
No refund |
On-demand offerings |
No refunds after registration, as course content is immediately available. |
No refund |
Most short courses and workshops will not appear on your transcript and proof of course completion will be through the award of a micro-credential. See the individual program page for details on your program and write to us at courses@tufts.edu with any questions.
Students who are taking short-term non-credit offerings including courses and workshops may not be given a Tufts University email address. In this case, it is expected that students will use the email associated with their registration for all course and policy communication. This is where all official communication will be sent. It is the student’s responsibility to check this email and/ or set up email forwarding to another account. Any official communication sent to this account will be considered “received.”